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Now here available ANDERL'S RSS FEED

RSS-Feed    Anderl's RSS-Newsfeed

How can I read the Feed via newsreader ?

To be able to read the RSS-Newsfeed, you need a RSS-Newsreader. This is a program which will subscribe to the feed and also fetch the feed for you. There are many programs freely available and are very simple to operate.

Here a short list of well known Feed-Reader:

•    Opera - Windows, Mac OS, Linux *
•    AmphetaDesk - Windows, Mac OS, Linux *
•    Awasu - Windows *
•    BlogExpress - Windows *
•    FeedDemon - Windows
•    FeedOwl - Windows
•    FeedReader - Windows *
•    Liferea - Linux *
•    NetNewsWireLite - Mac OS X *
•    NewsDesk - Windows *
•    NewsGator - Windows (Outlook-Plugin)
•    NewsMonster - Windows, Mac OS X, Linux (Mozilla-Plugin) *
•    RSSOwl - Windows, Mac OS, Linux (Java)*
•    SlashDock - Mac OS X *

* freeware Feedreader

You can subscribe to Anderl's RSS-Newsfeed by click on „NEW” (add) and then insert the following link:

http://www.anderl.ws/home/feed/news_headlines_de.xml .

Veröffentlicht am:
21:48:51 02.02.2007 von anderl

Last update
22:03:45 02.02.2007